Trading Network MONETKA, the Infor WMS v.11 implementation project started in April 2019 from a pilot site of an industrial goods warehouse in Yekaterinburg.
As part of the project, an additional module * Flight plan was implemented for the customer, which is a separate software developed by Logicon LLC for individual customer requests. On January 28, 2022, it was registered in the Russian Register of Computer Programs under the name "Logistics Console".
Pilot, Yekaterinburg
Launch period: 04.2019 – 09.2019
Following the launch of a pilot project in the TS Monetka, a decision was made to distribute Infor SCE v.11 to all regional sites of the TS. As a result, the following regional distribution centers were launched under the management of Infor:
Launch period: 10.2019 – 02.2020
Launch period 11.2019 – 03.2020
Launch period: 03.2020 – 08.2020
warehouses Grocery, Medium cold, Low temperature warehouses, Fresh, Alcohol, Non-durable goods
Launch period: 01.2021 - 02.2022.
Project specifics:
integration with EGAIS, Mercury, Honest sign
equipment integration: Log. tables, Voice TSD
Company website: